Senior Creative Director/Copywriter
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A whole new take on motivating charitable giving. Instead of focusing on all the nicey-nice aspects of making a donation (like every other charity campaign in history), we took a more unconventional tack: All the embarassing reasons you just might some redemption. This campaign consisted of TV spots, a robust print campaign, outdoor, social, digital, you name it -- and 100% of the talent, labor, creative, production and media was donated. An amazing undertaking by BPN, Willamette Week, and Portland's creative community to benefit local non-profits. I creative directed and handled strategy on the campaign. Bill Karow was the AD. Emma Siolka wrote it all. And the photos and TV were helmed by Andy Batt and Taylor Siolka. 

"Confessions" -- TV 

Print Campaign -- Featured in Lurzer's Archive

"Junk Mail" :30 TV

"Library" :30 TV